Jan 7, 2010

Green Technology Universities

Observing the surge in the popularity of alternative energy sources, plenty of universities have introduced courses and degrees related to green technologies such as solar power, wind power, hydro power and so on. Some of the noted universities are:

Courses and Trainings: Other than Universities
  • Solar Energy International: This non-profit educational institute offers workshops and short online-courses in renewable energy. Workshops typically last a day while courses last 1-2 months.
  • Cleveland State Community College: Offers a two-year program that deals with alternative energy sources. One of the courses is designed specifically for people interested in building solar power systems for residences and buildings.
  • Green Power Academy: This academy offers courses, trainings and conferences for professionals in the green energy industry. Their courses revolve around solar power, geothermal, wind energy, etc.
  • Arizona Solar Centre: This is a non-profit organization and offers several courses on the application and concept of solar power.
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